G076596 - A050URD1.6T13I


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  • G076596 - A050URD1.6T13I

G076596 - A050URD1.6T13I

SKU : G076596 - A050URD1.6T13I

Main Detail
Item Number


Catalogue No.


Item Description (ERP)

A050 URD 001.6 T13 I

Short Description

Cylindrical fuse-link aR URB/URD/URL 500VAC 10x3816Awith indicator




محصولات مرتبط

  • Y076933 – A050URB12T13I

    Y076933 – A050URB12T13I

    Protistor® size 10x38 aR (URB/D/L) 500 to 600VAC

  • Z076934 – A050URB16T13I

    Z076934 – A050URB16T13I

    Protistor® size 10x38 aR (URB/D/L) 500 to 600VAC

  • W076931 – A050URB8T13I

    W076931 – A050URB8T13I

    Protistor® size 10x38 aR (URB/D/L) 500 to 600VAC

  • X076932 – A050URB10T13I

    X076932 – A050URB10T13I

    Protistor® size 10x38 aR (URB/D/L) 500 to 600VAC

  • S076928 – A050URD4T13I

    S076928 – A050URD4T13I

    Protistor® size 10x38 aR (URB/D/L) 500 to 600VAC

  • T076929 – A050URD5T13I

    T076929 – A050URD5T13I

    Protistor® size 10x38 aR (URB/D/L) 500 to 600VAC

  • V076930 – A050URB6T13I

    V076930 – A050URB6T13I

    Protistor® size 10x38 aR (URB/D/L) 500 to 600VAC

  • R076927 – A050URD3T13I

    R076927 – A050URD3T13I

    Protistor® size 10x38 aR (URB/D/L) 500 to 600VAC

  • R077640 – A060UD0.630T13

    R077640 – A060UD0.630T13

    Protistor® size 10x38 aR (URB/D/L) 500 to 600VAC

  • Q077639 – A060UD0.500T13

    Q077639 – A060UD0.500T13

    Protistor® size 10x38 aR (URB/D/L) 500 to 600VAC

  • Q076926 – A050URD2T13I

    Q076926 – A050URD2T13I

    Protistor® size 10x38 aR (URB/D/L) 500 to 600VAC

  • P077638 – A060UD0.400T13

    P077638 – A060UD0.400T13

    Protistor® size 10x38 aR (URB/D/L) 500 to 600VAC

  • P076925 – A050URD1T13I

    P076925 – A050URD1T13I

    Protistor® size 10x38 aR (URB/D/L) 500 to 600VAC

  • N077637 – A060UD0.315T13

    N077637 – A060UD0.315T13

    Protistor® size 10x38 aR (URB/D/L) 500 to 600VAC

  • K077634 – A060UD0.160T13

    K077634 – A060UD0.160T13

    Protistor® size 10x38 aR (URB/D/L) 500 to 600VAC

  • L077635 – A060UD0.200T13

    L077635 – A060UD0.200T13

    Protistor® size 10x38 aR (URB/D/L) 500 to 600VAC

  • M077636 – A060UD0.250T13

    M077636 – A060UD0.250T13

    Protistor® size 10x38 aR (URB/D/L) 500 to 600VAC

  • J077633 – A060UD0.125T13

    J077633 – A060UD0.125T13

    Protistor® size 10x38 aR (URB/D/L) 500 to 600VAC

  • H076597 – A050URD1.2T13I

    H076597 – A050URD1.2T13I

    Protistor® size 10x38 aR (URB/D/L) 500 to 600VAC

  • H077632 – A060UD0.100T13

    H077632 – A060UD0.100T13

    Protistor® size 10x38 aR (URB/D/L) 500 to 600VAC


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